
How to Copy PS3 Games

Playstation 3 is a very innovative game console which is the first of its kind to have Blue-Ray 2.0 compliant player on the market. Sony's Playstation 3 came with a 20 GB console and a premium 60 GB console. Why the bigger memory you ask? Gamers can now upload music, movies, even video games to their PS3 hard drive. What if you could also learn "How to Copy PS3 Games HERE" which a smart and easy to use software thats now available on the market.

With the new war of video game consoles the media saw high prices for the new consoles ranging from $300-$600 retail such as the Wii, Xbox 360, and the PS3. And video games for these consoles range around $60.00 retail. Whatever happened to video games being $50? And one thing to keep in mind is that video games lose price value over a period of weeks. A gamer could buy a video game for $60.00 and then play it for a week, just to trade it in for less then half the cost originally.

What if you could learn how to Copy PS3 Games and still keep your backups? This prevents excessive spending, damage to the original disc, or even being lost or stolen. Now come to think of it, if someone did learn how to copy playstation 3 games then that person could have an endless library of video games and still save money. I think its obvious on how that works.

Now, your probably wondering what software can be used to Copy Ps3 Games. You don't have to be a compute expert to use this program, it is pretty simple and straight forward to use. The software is called CopyThatGame and it is %100 legal and legit.

Some features that come with this software :

  1. Copy DivX, Xbox 360,PS2,AVi,Wii

  2. Receive free downloads - PS3 isos

  3. 24/7 support

  4. Win2000,WINXP,Vista compatible

  5. Money back guarantee

Below is a video demostration of actual footage of burned PS3 games being played